Prey 13 - Mortal Prey by John Sandford

Prey 13 - Mortal Prey by John Sandford

Author:John Sandford
Language: eng
Format: mobi
Published: 2003-01-12T08:00:00+00:00

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LEVY LEFT THEM talking in the library while he called his attorney. Seeing no point in waiting, Lucas collected Andreno and told Mallard that they were going out--"Have a couple of beers, talk to people. Maybe head to Springfield."

"Back tomorrow?"

"Late afternoon, unless something comes up. You've got my cell phone."

ON THE WALK back to Lucas's car, Andreno asked, "You think she'll walk into it?"

"Mmm. No."

"Could happen."

"It could happen, but I doubt it. She ain't gonna walk up and ring the doorbell. It'll be something trickier. I just don't know what."

"Let's find Sellos. Maybe she's come back to him."

They headed downtown, but when they got to the BluesNote, they found that Sellos had disappeared. The bartender said, "He went to golf school."


"Yeah. A short-game school." He polished a glass and held it up to a light, looking for smears. "You know, from a hundred yards in. Don't know where, exactly."

Andreno looked at Lucas and said, "Now what?"

Lucas leaned close to the bartender and said, "Give me four bottles of Dos Equis. Just crack the caps."

OUTSIDE AGAIN ,with the four bottles of beer in a paper bag, Lucas said, "Where do you think he went?"

"If he's alive, maybe . . . Michigan? They've got good golf courses."

"Mmm. I guess Palm Springs would be a little hot this time of year. . . ." A warm breeze scuffled down the street. Lucas looked up at the moon. "Nice night for a road trip."

"Unless the highway patrol catches us with open beer."

"Like they could catch us," Lucas said.


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